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May 4, 2022
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Preview of Things to Come

Preview of Things to Come
We're taking a break from producing the show this week but we'll be back on May 18th. Listen in as Jeff shares his excitement about our lineup of upcoming guests and topics.


Jeff Hunt:

Hey listeners! This is Jeff Hunt, your Human Capital host. I wanted to let you know we are taking a break from producing the show this week. As we pause I would like to say thank you to our listeners – I will be back on Tuesday, May 20 with our next episode.

In the meantime, I would like to share my excitement about our lineup of upcoming guests and topics. These include…

A discussion with a workplace design expert about design strategies that create healthy work environments and meaningful connections between people, technology, and our work. This is regardless of whether you are staying remote, or moving to a hybrid or fully in-office.

In another upcoming episode, a start-up CEO will help me do a dive deep on addressing unconscious bias and microaggressions in the workplace – specifically using virtual reality. She will help me explore how VR creates more effective experiential-based learning and why that is so important in today’s work environment.

Another guest is a business finance professional who is a stand-up comic at night. We will discuss how to bring more healthy comedy in the workplace and what its impact is on culture.

Lastly, I’m going to bring on a workplace culture expert who will help me explore how to create organizations that are explicit in their values, inclusive of all, holding space for differing perspectives and views, while requiring respect from one another.

That’s it! See you back here on May 20th and in the meantime, please remember to be human, kind.

Human Capital — Preview of Things to Come
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