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Humans and businesses are messy, but when they come together under excellent leadership they sound like a beautiful symphony. Join Jeff Hunt as he chats with business leaders, HR directors, and managers who openly share their experiences, successes, and shortcomings on their journey to embrace the value of human capital in new ways. Together we cover topics like workplace culture, performance, diversity, innovation, and strategy. Come back every other week for new episodes.
35. CEO, Work It Daily
Improving executive presence. Developing an engaging executive brand, revealing strengths, and presenting expertise in an appealing way.
Feb 8, 2022
32. Founder, Actv8
Strategies for increasing sustainability and profitability. Improving the environment and internal culture while addressing cost pressures.
Dec 28, 2021
31. CEO, Volley
The problem with meetings and what to do about it. How remote teams can change the ways they communicate to work better together.
Dec 14, 2021
30. CEO, Kadabra
Creating a leadership surge of positive change, the hidden flaws of meritocracy, and how to better leverage underutilized talent.
Nov 30, 2021
Bonus: Hayden Everett, Musician
How to increase presence in work and life: leadership lessons from camp. Using stillness as a strategy to create greater intention.
Sep 21, 2021