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Humans and businesses are messy, but when they come together under excellent leadership they sound like a beautiful symphony. Join Jeff Hunt as he chats with business leaders, HR directors, and managers who openly share their experiences, successes, and shortcomings on their journey to embrace the value of human capital in new ways. Together we cover topics like workplace culture, performance, diversity, innovation, and strategy. Come back every other week for new episodes.
Eliminating Silos (Replay)
Leading from where you are. The benefits of authentic leadership, how to eliminate silos at the top, and the importance of “Team 1.”
Jun 27, 2023
The HubSpot Culture Code (Replay)
The HubSpot Culture Code, making inclusivity part of your DNA, and how to treat employees well, even when things aren't going well.
Jun 13, 2023
63. Culture Shock
Improving employee engagement, fostering effective management habits, and building a diverse, strengths-based culture.
May 30, 2023
62. Leader As Coach
The commonalities between sports and business. How teamwork, leadership, strategy, and adaptability deliver top performance.
May 16, 2023
61. Difficult Conversations
Navigating difficult conversations with confidence and empathy while building strong, productive relationships with your colleagues.
May 2, 2023
60. Leveraging HR Tech
Biggest HR tech trends: The cost of inadequate implementation and the role of AI in HR. The value of in-person communication at work.
Apr 18, 2023
59. The Four-Day Workweek
Migrating from a 5-day to 4-day work-week. Positive research findings on work-life balance, productivity, and burnout rates.
Apr 4, 2023
58. Enhancing Employee Value
Understanding role-based value and where it comes from. Building a diverse and innovative culture. Improving workplace experience.
Mar 21, 2023
57. Productivity and Calm
Six factors that lead to burnout. Reducing stress at work while achieving higher productivity. Strategies for finding calm in the midst of stress.
Mar 7, 2023
56. Planning With Ambiguity
Turning VUCA into opportunity. The HR role when planning and making better strategic decisions when things are volatile and complex.
Feb 21, 2023
"Humbitious" Leadership (Replay)
Becoming a "humbitious" leader that people want to follow. Using humility and ambition as strengths to make a significant, positive impact.
Jan 24, 2023